I finished the scarf for my sister-in-law! My mother-in-law is visiting, and she was scheduled to fly back to Germany today. My goal was to finish the scarf on time for her to hand-carry it back. As it turns out, she opted to extend her stay, but I still met my finish date! The scarf is now on its way to Germany, only by post instead of in person. I sure hope it gets there. The last important package I mailed to that address never arrived. I've been wary ever since.
(I cannot explain the photo styling with the fig tree. I just like the fig tree. The fact that it doesn't particularly showcase the scarf is not my responsibility.)
Of course, to keep the knitting mojo flowing, I had to cast on for a new project immediately...but what? Today is made up of a lot of 1s (1/11/11 or 11/1/11, depending on where you live), so I'm thinking it's time to knit 1 for me. I cast on for the Noro Striped Scarf, and the mojo is workin'! That's a good thing too, because thus far the colors that are evolving from the Noro skeins are a bit, well, vile.
I hope that will change. It should. We'll see. (you never know with Noro, which is, of course, part of the fun)
In related news, there is a small-scale crafting challenge going around facebook. My gorgeous friend gail hooked me. The first 5 people who leave a comment to the craft challenge status update will receive something handmade by me sometime in 2011 (gives me a big window, ensuring I'll actually do it!); the catch is that each person must in turn hand-make something for 5 commenters on their own status updates. I'm thinking that having the whole year to work with might just make it possible to knit something for each of my first 5 commenters, on top of the projects I already had in mind. I like a challenge, especially an achievable one! I wonder who will reply.
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